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Freelancer - New Projects

Freelancer - New Projects

Unreal engine dev -- 2

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:08 AM PDT

Looking for UE5 developer. Will share more details in chat. (Budget: $250 - $750 USD, Jobs: C# Programming, C++ Programming, Game Development, Unity 3D, Unreal Engine)

Looking for python developer

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:07 AM PDT

Incentive calculation for retail store employees. Need to refactor the existing code base and add UI layet (Budget: $250 - $750 USD, Jobs: Java, PHP, Python, Software Architecture)

SOP Answer

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:06 AM PDT

Need answers for SOP QUESTIONNAIRE (Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR, Jobs: Article Writing, Content Writing, Copywriting, Payroll)

Create a SOP for SOP Questionnaire

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:06 AM PDT

I need answer for the SOP Questionnaire that has been given to me (Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR, Jobs: Article Writing, Content Writing)

Go fix & mentorship

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:06 AM PDT

need to fix and work on a internal repo. code cannot be locally reproduced in your machine. lang: go (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Golang)

Musical Transcription 2

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:06 AM PDT

We are looking for: Musicians who are comfortable with doing piano roll transcription for both pitched and percussive instruments. Candidates need to have both general music training and experience using MIDI editing software... (Budget: ₹900 - ₹1000 INR, Jobs: Audio Editing, MIDI, Music Transcription)

fuzzy search javascript question hackerrank

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:05 AM PDT

I am looking for who has experience with javascript, I have a fuzzy search javascript question I need assistance with. would you be able to assist asap (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery / Prototype, PHP)

Go lang fix

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:05 AM PDT

need some help in coding and fixing a bug. the code cannot be locally reproduced in your machine. (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Coding, Software Engineering)

Travel guide App development

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:04 AM PDT

I want to deploy a app which guide to the traveler, technology Native App, (Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR, Jobs: Android, Graphic Design, Hybrid App, Mobile App Development, React Native)

I need some assistance with typing out some documents - Location: Bondi

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:04 AM PDT

Typing, Admin, Legalish, Creative writing assistance needed over the next two weeks. You will be able to use my Mac to type out what I need completed. (Budget: $22 - $35 AUD, Jobs: Legal Writing, Local Job, Typing, Writing)

Need a developer to set up my stripe account and connect it to my website and app.

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:04 AM PDT

I need my app connected to my stripe account and also have it connected to my apps it's all one site and app, so I need it connected only, it's already connected, but I just need an expert to do all the... (Budget: ₹900 - ₹1000 INR, Jobs: Android, Mobile App Development, PHP, Software Architecture, Stripe)

[Adobe Illustrator] Edit/Improve Catalog Design

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:03 AM PDT

Edit/Improve 29-page Korean sportswear brand catalog design in Adobe Illustrator. - line up everything nicely so the overall design looks clean - search and/or draw icons that are needed - edit so that... (Budget: $10 - $65 USD, Jobs: Adobe Illustrator, Brochure Design, Catalog Design, Illustrator, Photoshop)

Enter data from excel sheet into DOCX document template using Python

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:02 AM PDT

We have a template document in docx format. Data from multiple columns in an excel file need to be copied and pasted into the template document based on shortcodes. The script must enter data from the columns and generate a new docx file for each date in the excel sheet... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Data Entry, Data Processing, Excel, Microsoft Word, Python)

Laravel Upload Video

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:02 AM PDT

I've ready project, Just need to add video upload function to a post. (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: HTML, Laravel, MySQL, PHP, Website Design)

Quick scraping job

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:01 AM PDT

I need to scrape some data from two hotel websites (get all their locations). This should be a quick and straightforward task. There should be no more than 10,000 records to scrape. MAX Budget $30. Please don't waste my time by bidding $30 and then asking for more... (Budget: €300 - €1150 EUR, Jobs: Content Writing, Copywriting, Data Entry, Excel, PHP)

Software Organizational ppt

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:01 AM PDT

technical and non-technical content. (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: Leadership Development, Organizational Change Management, Technical Writing)

update my web site

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:01 AM PDT

https://www.freelancer.com/invitation-action?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkZyZWVsYW5jZXJcXEdBRlxcQ29yZVxcSldUXFxKV1QifQ.eyJpbnZpdGF0aW9uX2lkIjoxNzIwNSwiYWN0aW9uIjoiYWNjZXB0X2ludml0YXRpb24iLCJzdWIiOiJpbnZpdGF0aW9uIiwiaWF0IjoxNjU4MzAwMTU4fQ.idyR1gUuid7zSON0XF_kjUImNAArle6wYF1q0AdWA7U&action=accept_invitation&inviter=babubhainakrani4&invitation_type=tasklist (Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR, Jobs: Graphic Design, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Website Design)

Create Lightning page

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:01 AM PDT

I need help to create a Lightning salesforce page. (Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR, Jobs: Salesforce Lightning, Salesforce.com)

Wix website redesign for small website

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:00 AM PDT

Looking for wix expert who can redesign our website to make it look better user experience as well as solve minor issues with sign up and booking. If work good long term working can be initiated please... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: eCommerce, Graphic Design, PHP, Website Design, Wix)

Translation reviewer from English into Spanish

Posted: 19 Jul 2022 11:59 PM PDT

I need someone who can review the translation done from English to Spanish. Apply only if you are a native speaker or an expert of both languages English and Spanish. Spanish native speakers with excellent... (Budget: €250 - €750 EUR, Jobs: English (UK) Translator, English (US) Translator, Spanish, Spanish (Spain), Translation)

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